A presentation design blog


Welcome to our Visual Sugar blog! Join us for presentation tips, design tips and ideas, and learn how to improve your presentation skills. Get inspiration and see how SlideRabbit can transform your ideas into engaging, and visually stunning presentations.

Exciting Presentation Design Trends for 2021

Exciting Presentation Design Trends for 2021 SlideRabbit is so excited to welcome in 2021 along with some change and renewal. Each new year brings us a chance to sit and reflect on where we are and where we're going. That's a loaded question this year, but for our purposes, we'll limit the exploration to design [...]

January 13th, 2021|All Posts, Case Study, Design|

Offering Increased Rollover for 2021 Presentation Design Retainers!

Offering Increased Rollover for 2021 Presentation Design Retainers! 2020 is winding down! To celebrate the end of a very long year, we're offering retainers with 75% rollover for 2021. We have just a few spots left, so get in touch soon. What are the benefits of a presentation design retainer? In 2020, we launched a [...]

The Perfect Narrative for Your Investor Presentation

The Perfect Narrative for Your Investor Presentation Investor presentations are an opportunity to exponentially improve your business and future, but according to Forbes, most entrepreneurs need to do better on their pitch presentations. It is crucial that your investor presentation has perfectly honed messaging and a narrative flow that grabs your potential investors from the [...]

3 Insights on Successful Cross-Platform Branding

3 Insights on Successful Cross-Platform Branding Cross-platform corporate communications are not new. In fact, we've been expressing branding and marketing messages on the internet since it's inception. As the online environment becomes more complex, keeping our messaging consistent and recognizable across all our platforms becomes even more important. Potential customers should be able to recognize [...]

September 23rd, 2020|All Posts, Case Study, Design, Memory & Persuasion|

Favorites from PreSum20: The Annual Presentation Conference

Favorites from PreSum20: The Annual Presentation Conference Every year, we attend our favorite presentation conference, the Presentation Summit. This conference brings together everyone that works in the presentation industry, from speakers to designers to event producers. Last year we got to meet up in person, but 2020 was a whole new rodeo: the Summit went [...]

Master Google Slides With Bethany Auck at the 2020 Presentation Summit

Master Google Slides with Bethany Auck at the 2020 Presentation Summit The Presentation Summit is coming up! It is by far our favorite event of the year. This is the only event that focuses on the knowledge and needs of presentation designers, speakers, producers, and everyone else that works heavily in the presentation space. The [...]

How to Use Google Slides: 4 Tips!

How to Use Google Slides: 4 Tips! Here at SlideRabbit, many of our PowerPoint-using clients are becoming interested in how to use Google Slides. Given the pandemic, clients are considering transitioning from PowerPoint to Google Slides to take advantage of Google Slides' great collaboration features. Google Slides allows many users to work on the same [...]

May 6th, 2020|All Posts, Case Study, Software Skills, Workshops|

How to Present Online: SlideRabbit’s Most Requested Workshop of 2020

How to Present Online: SlideRabbit's Most Requested Workshop of 2020 The Coronavirus is presenting new and unique challenges and changing the way we operate and interact with the world. Now more than ever, learning how to present online is imperative for success. We're all quickly learning that keeping attention focused during virtual meetings is a [...]

eLearning: Your #1 Virtual Training Solution

eLearning: Your #1 Virtual Training Solution The Coronavirus is presenting new and unique challenges at work. For instance, that once dreaded in-person training is now a virtual training. But how do you effectively transition live instruction to a virtual setting? And how can you guarantee that your trainees are learning? Enter eLearning. eLearning is a [...]

3 Quick Slide Design Improvements

3 Quick Slide Design Improvements Suddenly working from home highlights how much information we usually share face-to-face in the office. With a captive and in-person audience, we can keep attention focused. From home, attentions tend to wander. Quality slide design is essential for conveying important information virtually. It's tempting to throw a ton of information [...]




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