A presentation design blog


Welcome to our Visual Sugar blog! Join us for presentation tips, design tips and ideas, and learn how to improve your presentation skills. Get inspiration and see how SlideRabbit can transform your ideas into engaging, and visually stunning presentations.

Adding Movement & Energy to Your Presentations: PowerPoint Animations

Adding Movement & Energy to Your Presentations: PowerPoint Animations Here at SlideRabbit, one of our most frequent client requests is for help "jazzing up" content. We don't recommend adding a bunch of bells and whistles that end up distracting from your content. However, there are some PowerPoint animations and transitions that can give your slides a boost without [...]

Professional Presentation Templates: Three Tips To A Better Template

Professional Presentation Templates: Three Tips To A Better Template Here at SlideRabbit, we design and develop professional presentation templates for clients with varied needs and approaches. Some organizations are filled with technically savvy professionals chomping at the bit to express their creativity through slides. Others, with experts in specific fields, who are also tasked with hacking together presentations. If you are [...]

Presentation Design Company Secrets: Icons & Wayfinders

Presentation Design Company Secrets: Icons & Wayfinders As we mentioned in our recent post on how to reduce text without losing meaning, we recently had an excellent time at the Colorado Non-Profit Association’s Tech Summit. We taught a course on creating more powerful slides with less content and we shared several presentation design company secrets. [...]

May 31st, 2016|All Posts, Case Study, Design, Memory & Persuasion|

Presentation Slide Design: How To Reduce Text

Presentation Slide Design: How To Prune Your Text We recently had a great time teaching presentation slide design theory and practice at the Colorado Non-Profit Association's Technology Summit. Our course, Slide Diets: Design Tricks to Slim Down Your Content, focused on creating more impactful slides. We'll be covering some of our tips here on Visual Sugar. We'll [...]

May 19th, 2016|All Posts, Case Study, Design, Presentation Skills|

Good to Know: Professional Presentation Resources

Good to Know: Professional Presentation Resources For those of us who create presentations regularly, it can be easy to get stuck in a production-mode rut. When time and budget limitations come into play, we tend to fall back on old habits and repurpose previous ideas. While adapting previous work can be smart, it's important to remember to pick up [...]

Professional Slide Design: 5 simple ways to add visual impact to your slides

Professional Slide Design: 5 Simple Ways to Add Visual Impact to your Slides Here at SlideRabbit, professional slide design is what we do day in and day out. We love the challenge of taking slides from mediocre to magical. While we hold some of our tricks close to our vests, we'd love to share some [...]

Presentation Template Design: Avoid Branding Overkill

Presentation Template Design: Avoid Branding Overkill Here at SlideRabbit, we routinely provide presentation template design & development. In fact, nearly every project requires at least some clean up of an existing template... and usually a full overhaul. There are many reasons a template might need a little design tune up, like poor use of space, weak color [...]

March 31st, 2016|All Posts, Case Study, Design, Software Skills|

Custom PowerPoint Help: What Your Boss Really Means by “Reduce Slides”

Custom PowerPoint Help: What Your Boss Really Means by "Reduce Slides" Lately we've been hearing from many of our clients that their workplaces are limiting slide counts. "I need to do this in 10 slides" they'll say. In an effort to meet this arbitrary limit, clients struggle to cram and snip in all the wrong [...]

March 14th, 2016|All Posts, Case Study, Design, Presentation Skills|




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