2023 Presentation Trends

The SlideRabbit team is always keeping our eyes peeled for the latest presentation trends. We keep an eye on related design industries like website, software, marketing, and advertising. Each year, we share our predictions.

The presentation trends we’ve spotted for for 2023 all revolve around embracing and harnessing new technology to rise above the noise.

Check out the video or read on below!

Have we hit the mark before? Check out what we predicted for previous years: 2022, 2021, 2020.

Our predicted presentation trends for this year…

Color schemes built for on-screen viewing

Sick of eye-strain after a day at work? You are not alone.

With remote work seemingly going nowhere, people are increasingly in front of their screens. To reduce blue-light exposure, many are switching to dark mode software interfaces. Similarly, we are seeing a trend toward dark-background presentations. Dark backgrounds reduce eye strain when viewing a presentation on screen, especially when up close, like a laptop or monitor.

To keep things feeling lively, this trend almost necessitates a move toward brighter, bolder colors. Pantone’s color of the year also signals that vibrancy in color is on trend for 2023. We are seeing new branding colors with vibrant hues in our client population and we expect the trend to continue.

Not only do bold colors pop on darker backgrounds, but they also grab and hold attention, which is even more fleeting these days!

Consider moving to a striking dark background with vivid colors to pump up your next presentation deck!

3D motion graphics and animation

With VR and 3D creeping into every-day lives, most visibly in advertising, audiences are expecting more out of all their media. To capture audiences with higher expectations, we predict that we will see more motion graphic and animation in presentations this year.

Google Slide users may find themselves at a disadvantage here, while PowerPoint has some 3D capabilities. Perhaps we will see presentation softwares focus more on ease of creating motion graphics. After all, 99 Firms reveals that 73% of marketers are using motion graphics in explainer videos.

Where marketing & advertising go, presentation trends are usually soon to follow.

AI powered images and… maybe more

Using imagery in a presentation is an undisputed way to capture the attention and emotion of your audience. But it’s not always easy to find that perfect stock image for every occasion. Especially as stock sites struggle to keep up with increasing demand for diversity & inclusivity in stock images, might AI have a role to play?

Still in their infancy, AI image generators are a potential answer to this hole in the market. By increasing the users control over what and who appears in an image, and removing the need for manual photoshopping, these generators could change the game. Not only would it be possible to order up the perfect mix of people, but even creating advertising with products could no longer require a photoshoot. Just as soon as the image quality becomes believable.

Seeing any other presentation trends out there? Share in the comments!


Whether it’s help with your design or a workshop for your team, let us help!

SlideRabbit is a presentation-focused agency. From slide design to template construction to narrative sculpting and concept generation, we help our clients keep the attention of their audiences.

All presentation design is custom for each client, fully editable, and brand adherent. We work in both PowerPoint and Google Slides. Excellent Presentation Design: 7 Things to Know

Looking to train up your team? We also provide workshops, ranging from technical training to how to think like a presentation designer.

Reach us at [email protected].

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