2022 Presentation Design Trends

Here at SlideRabbit we are always keeping abreast of the latest design trends. While good presentation design revolves around clear and concise informational design, the approaches, elements, and themes we use tend to fluctuate from year to year, just like fashion.

Below are our predictions on the design trends you’re likely to see in 2020!

Shorter presentations

Hallelujah, right? Gone are the days of the 100+ slide presentations. We are moving at a faster clip these days, all working to be productive amid the distractions of working-from-home or re-invigorating our in-office team. Presentation producers have caught on: the less in the presentation, the larger percentage of it the audience will remember.

So trim that fat! Get to the point with as little extraneous detail or distracting side narratives as possible.

Softer color themes

We expect colors to soften in 2022, which is perhaps also in response to the increased stress of the never-ending pandemic. Rather than using bright and intense color stories, look to create a serene feel with your color palette. For instance, Pantone’s 2022 Color Of the Year, Very Peri, is a nice soft purply-blue that displays a joyous attitude.

Simpler infographics

Less is more, and that goes for design as well. Simpler infographics are more to the point and help shorten those presentations. Additionally, simpler, less crowded slides increase accessibility for your audience. Bonus: they are easier to remember!

Simple and serene is the name of the game for 2022. Need help simplifier your presentations or bringing softness to your design? We love to help!

Want to check out some recent years’ predictions? Read on! 2021 | 2020 | 2019