A presentation design blog


Welcome to our Visual Sugar blog! Join us for presentation tips, design tips and ideas, and learn how to improve your presentation skills. Get inspiration and see how SlideRabbit can transform your ideas into engaging, and visually stunning presentations.

Presenting Basics: SlideRabbit at the Boulder Technology Summit

Pushing PowerPoint: Going Beyond the Simple Slide Last week we were lucky enough to participate in the Boulder Technology Summit, coordinated by the Non-Profit Cultivation Center and the United Way. The Tech Summit is a resource for non-profits where technology experts come, share, teach and trouble shoot. Not surprisingly, we presented on presenting. We discussed [...]

May 15th, 2014|All Posts, Case Study, Design, Software Skills|

Slide Design: How to Build a Powerful Color Palette

Slide Design: How To Build a Powerful Color Palette With sight dominating our senses, it is no surprise that colors have come to hold so much meaning and importance in our culture. Consciously and unconsciously, we use color to signify our feelings: a red rose for our love, a yellow one for a good friend. [...]

April 2nd, 2014|All Posts, Case Study, Design, Software Skills|

Presentation Software: Not Just for Slides Anymore

Presentation Software: Not Just for Slides Anymore The phrase "Death by PowerPoint" calls to mind endless, text filled slides marching forward as a suit with a clicker drones on to a room full of bored coworkers. I truly believe that, while presentations like this may still take place, this scene is largely a collective memory. [...]

March 12th, 2014|All Posts|

Warby Parker: A Year In Pictures

Warby Parker: A Year In Pictures Last post, we looked at Facebook's investment in culturally-geared visual communication: a "secret" internal department charged with creating visually powerful cultural propaganda pieces. But will we see visual communication reach beyond internal messaging into the dry and conservative world of public-facing corporate communication? Via a good friend of mine in the [...]

February 13th, 2014|All Posts|

Facebook’s Analog Research Lab Embraces Visual Communication

Facebook's Analog Research Lab Embraces Visual Communication High on our wish list is increased use of visual communication in the corporate sphere, both in internal and external messaging. We've previously discussed the engagement, persuasion and information retention benefits of visual communication, but even some of the more tech forward companies are woefully behind in harnessing [...]

January 29th, 2014|All Posts|




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