High on our wish list is increased use of visual communication in the corporate sphere, both in internal and external messaging. We’ve previously discussed the engagement, persuasion and information retention benefits of visual communication, but even some of the more tech forward companies are woefully behind in harnessing the power of visual communication.

Just roll on over to Google’s Our Culture page to see what we mean. Sure, there are some photos of Googlers at work or in their home cities, OK. So we see you are global and there are real humans in your offices, just like any other international company. But what makes you tick? What is your collective passion? Who ARE you, Google?

Taking a different, more exciting approach is our other internet overlord, Facebook. Facebook quietly houses an old-school propaganda department that designs and produces culture-focused posters, banners and pamphlets. The pieces produced by the Analog Research Lab are geared toward employees and communicate the Facebook culture and vision with lots of imagery and very few words. We recently got our hands on an internal piece produced by the lab.

Here are some images from the booklet:

Of course, we’re comparing internal to external messaging here, but based on recent Google leaks, it seems that their internal communication is also falling short in the visual arena.

Whether the idea of internal propaganda gives you the heebie-jeebies or not, Facebook’s use of visual communication is inspiring. We hope more companies follow suit in both their internal communications and their external positioning.

Check out our portfolio page for inspiration for incorporating visuals into your corporate messaging.