A presentation design blog

5 lessons we learned at our incredible annual team offsite

5 lessons we learned at our incredible annual team offsite Because SlideRabbit's team is spread across the US, we prioritize a team offsite each year. Beyond being a lot of [...]

Summer Slump? Motivate the team with authentic appreciation

Summer Slump? Motivate the Team with Authentic Appreciation. Summer months are here! And while that brings wonderful things outside of working hours, it can also mean distraction and underperformance at [...]

4 Critical Reasons to Invest in Presentation Training

4 critical reasons to invest in presentation skills training It's spring time, and that means a lot of new graduates entering the workforce. Many professionals, both early and further on [...]

4 Important Reasons to Add PowerPoint Animation to Your Presentations

Creating PowerPoint Animation With Motion Graphics The use of animation, motion graphics and video are on the rise in communications and marketing. And that's because they work to grab and [...]

Keep the Attention of Your Audience! 4 Simple Tips for Frustrated Speakers

Keep the Attention of Your Audience! With today's attention spans, presenters need to focus on how to engage an audience right from the beginning. Did you know Microsoft's recent study  [...]

Comprehensive PowerPoint Training for Your Team

Comprehensive PowerPoint Training for Your Team Have you been looking for PowerPoint training for your organization? Here at SlideRabbit, we put on a host of workshops, but we also put [...]

Free Webinar! Unlock PowerPoint Secrets

Unlock PowerPoint Secrets in this Free Webinar! Collectively, the SlideRabbit team has been working in PowerPoint for more than 50 years! Along the way, we've uncovered some PowerPoint secrets that [...]




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