Learn to Develop & Design Presentations: The 2017 Presentation Summit

PreSum17 Design PresentationsOne thing we love about the annual Presentation Summit is that it’s a meeting of minds from all corners of the presentation industry. From production to design to delivery, there are experts in every facet of the presentation space at the Summit.

While we focus on narrative sculpting and high-quality informational design, there are a myriad of services and companies out there to address any presentation improvement goals one might have. Here’s a recap of just a few of our favorite presenters from differing specialties this year:

Produce presentations faster

If churning out presentations quickly is your top priority, check out Taylor & Camille of Nuts & Bolts Speed Training. Every year, they bring a bounty of PowerPoint productivity tips to the Summit. Taylor’s session focus on tricks little known PPT shortcuts and how to use other Office software to lighten up workload and perform tedious tasks with ease and speed.

Deliver more impactful presentations

Dr. Carmen Simon, this year’s keynote, is a cognitive scientist who focuses on how people understand and retain information. Besides being an animated and enchanting speaker herself, Dr. Simon focuses her work on helping speakers sculpt more memorable speeches. Check out her book, Impossible to Ignore, for some excellent information on how to make your message more memorable to your audience.

Manage large slide libraries

While it’s far from a trade show, there are a small number of exhibitors at the Summit. The expo is non-intrusive and can be a great resource for tools that you didn’t even know you needed.

Many of our clients manage large slide universes where one slide may appear in many decks. Making updates across decks consistently and maintaining version control can be a nightmare. This year, Shufflrr came to share their technology, which will make managing large slide libraries a breeze.

In conclusion, consider the Summit next year; not only will you hear from industry professionals but you will be able to choose from a myriad of topics that apply to how you use presentations in your daily life.

If you’re looking for help with better narrative and design, drop us a line!