Wearable Tech Investor Deck

Project Description

Client: Kinetic
Project: Tech Investor Deck Design
Objective: Series B Fundraising


Kinetic, a trailblazer in the wearable tech space, approached our agency with two key objectives: first, to create a cohesive look and feel for their presentations that aligned with their cutting-edge brand; and second, to develop a clear, concise, and persuasive tech investor deck aimed at securing Series B funding. This critical project required not only stunning visual design but also a strong narrative that would engage potential investors and communicate Kinetic’s unique value proposition.

Our Approach:

We began by immersing ourselves in Kinetic’s brand identity, ensuring every design element—from typography to color schemes—felt authentic and resonated with their tech-forward, innovative ethos. Our design team crafted a modern, clean aesthetic that reflected Kinetic’s leadership in wearable technology while keeping the presentation polished and professional for investor audiences.

On the content side, we worked closely with Kinetic’s leadership to refine their messaging, ensuring complex technology was explained clearly and concisely. We focused on building a compelling narrative that highlighted Kinetic’s growth potential, market opportunities, and competitive advantages. Each slide was thoughtfully designed to tell a cohesive story, combining data-driven insights with emotional appeal to make a persuasive case for Series B investment.


The final presentation struck the perfect balance between branding, storytelling, and data visualization. Kinetic’s investor deck not only looked stunning but also communicated their vision with clarity and conviction, helping them stand out in a competitive fundraising landscape. As a result, the presentation played a key role in helping Kinetic secure the Series B funding they needed to take their business to the next level.

Our collaboration with Kinetic demonstrated our expertise in blending design with strategic communication, resulting in a high-impact tech investor deck that delivered real business outcomes.