Welcome to our Visual Sugar blog! Join us for presentation tips, design tips and ideas, and learn how to improve your presentation skills. Get inspiration and see how SlideRabbit can transform your ideas into engaging, and visually stunning presentations.
Slide Design: Picture This
Slide Design: Picture This Seeing is believing - we've all heard that before. However, its truer and more literal than one might guess. We've discussed the effect that images have on memory, but what about their effect on persuasion? The Picture Superiority Effect states that concepts are more likely to be remembered experientially when presented [...]
Hmmmm…. (P)Interesting….
Hmmmm.... (P)Interesting.... We've been a little quiet around here lately, but not to worry, everything's just been going so well we haven't had time to write. No complaints! We'll be back shortly, with more posts on persuasion, presentation skills and slide design. Check back next week! If you need some distraction and great design in [...]
Infographic: The Importance Of Visual Communication
Infographics are gaining in popularity and is it any wonder why? Great for generating brand or message awareness, these share-worthy marketing pieces catch the eye and engage the audience. As our attention spans get shorter, infographics chunk information into bite size pieces perfect for quick consumption of main concepts. Check out our infographic on why [...]
Persuasive Presenting: Death To Red Herrings
Persuasive Presenting: Death To Red Herrings I once sat in court for a Big Oil client and watched with a mix of bemusement and horror as the plaintiff's attorney put up an illustration of an anthropomorphized fat cat in a suit struggling to hold shut the door of a closet bursting with skeletons. We can [...]
Slide Design: Learn From Print Ads
Slide Design: Learn From Print Ads When it comes right down to it, the success of any presentation comes down to a sell. Maybe you're selling a product, or a brand, or maybe an argument. Why not, then, steal some hints from those that make a living making sure products get sold: advertisers. Great ads [...]
Make Your Slides Striking: The Rule of Thirds
Make Your Slides Striking With the Rule of Thirds Great presentation design is a balance between art and science. Too often in the rush to fill the screen with facts and figures, we forget to view the slide for what it is, a blank canvas. Since the time of the Renaissance, artists have experimented with [...]
Slides Should Never Be Handouts
Slides Should Never Be Handouts A quick peek into my personal life: my husband spent a decade and a half as a management consultant. He violates the rule I'm about to discuss more egregiously than anyone. Although I've given up on convincing him, I do believe there's hope for the rest of humanity: Slides and [...]
Tell Me A Story
Tell Me A Story Stories are a major shaping force in our lives as individuals and as humankind. Since the time of cave drawings, which often depicted a series of connected events, humans have used stories as a way to make sense of the world around them. Children learn cause and effect, the rules of [...]