3 Tips on Titles for Better Presentation Slides

At SlideRabbit, we help our clients communicate their ideas more clearly. Titles, or headlines, are a crucial element to making better presentation slides. Titles should communicate your main point and the takeaway to the audience. Here are three tips to make sure your titles are working for you.

Don’t label

Label Better Presentation Slides

Using the title space to label the content is a missed opportunity. Titles that simply label are redundant to the content below.

The title is typically the biggest text on the slide, use it as a headline.

Be argumentative

Argue Better Presentation Slides

Instead of labeling, use the headline to argue the point. What should the audience conclude from the content? What do you want them to take away?

Use the title space to make your argument unmistakeable.

Be concise

Pithy Better Presentation Slides

Reduce wordiness in headlines so that your content can stand out and prove the point.

Aim for pithy, memorable writing.

Need help making better presentation slides or tuning up your headlines? Drop us a line.